Wednesday, February 4, 2009

-waking up early-

Salam and hi everyone...

Well, this is actually to answer Gorgeous problem...

Hm...your problem is quite dangerous yah... --i'm refering to "i'm not really a type of a person, i'm more to kelawar type"--- Hm... bats do harm others, do you? That's what i'm concerned of...

By the way, to solve your problem... First, lets identify the root. I think, it's because you CONGRUENT yourself with a bat! Hm.. try to congruent yourself with a MORNING PERSON... with a good NIAT set up in QALB... Hm.. remember, where is your QALB? heh... And not to forget, niat as well that we want to follow the sunnah of the prophet, what a PAHALA!

well, i do admit, and it's undeniable... the first few try would be very hard and difficult... MEmang fitrahnya begitu... "Setiap perkara yang baik selalu mendapat rintangan yang menguji kekuatan" (Ulama'). Tapi, menurut Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah, "Setiap perkara kalau kita buat berturut-turut sebanyak 21 kali, Insya ALlah, akan lekat sebagai habit, yang kalau kita tak buat, tak boleh dok!"

So, kita fikir balik, yang mana kita practice sebanyak 21 kali? Bangun pagi or tido pagi?
ok... fikir-fikirkan... zikir-zikirkan...

Moga menjawab persoalan...

---Sleeping Beautyzzzz

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